Thursday, January 24, 2008

Nothin' to say

Holy holy. Where?
Have we been abandoned?
Oh these fuccking questions. We have to ask them, I guess. It appears to be the human condition to ask why. But is it necessary? No one can give the answer. And it seems that if there is a God he is incommunicado.
Trails of pilgrims, Nitzsche, Jung, Kant, Camus.. They haunt me. Because where and why are so subjective. Reality is subjective. We appear to make our own reality. But somehow we still strive for answers outside of our selves.
If God created us why are we so full of question. Indeed, freewill allows us to question "authority" to question anything. But if God created us what purpose does it serve to give us the need to question Him?
None. No purpose.
Perhaps, if there is a God, He intended this... Maybe he didnt want the responsibilty. And who can blame Him? We are complex, troublesome and fearful beings. We love so intensely and hate vehemently. Like we humans with the AI, did we become uncontrolable? Intolerable? Does He regret it? Is He dead?


Blogger Helskel said...

maybe God's refresh rate is lagging behind current events...

He should really consider getting broadband.


3:55 PM  

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