Last night I had a dream.
Of course I dont remember much of it.
I do remember being with my ex-girlfriend, Jen.
We were getting along and being close and got intimate.
Usually when I dream about sex its about the feelings and it is vague and not very well detailed.
But this was different. It was mostly about specific actions; using my hands, maneuvering my fingers, flexing or stretching my tongue.
While stretching my tongue it morphed, it elongated. But it didnt stop there - it became serpentine and somehow organic, like a vine with a (forked?) leafy tip.
I tried to live with it for a while - playing with different methods of containing it in my mouth.
I decided it was too freaky for people to see and too difficult for me to hide - it had to come off.
I thought I would try to simply snip it off with scissors but upon examination of my tongue the idea was tossed.
My tongue had been infected with some sort of organic growth - a large portion of it covered with a dark, bumpy mold.
I realized I would have to be medicated for this infection and cutting it off would not only ruin my tongue but might not remove all of it.
I tried, and failed, to contact someone at the doctors office about it.
Jason drove me over and I got in just before closing...