So youre dead. And Im drunk. Four years since that day. Four years ago at this hour I was at Kielbasas - consulate. They were all there, Reidar, Johnny, Matty.. and on the phone was Jenn and Sage. Our worlds dragged across each other like matches. I tried. I tried to tell them. You are God. You dont mean it. I'll prove it to them. I'll go instead. I'll do it. I'll Go!! I'LL GO!
So you dont have to go. Dont leave us, especially not them. I would do anything for them to have you back. I dont know why. I hate them - they really are mean people. But they love you and I know how that feels... I wouldnt wish that on anyone. To know you, to know your smile, your laugh, your skin, your hair, your brood, your indulgence, your brilliance. That is a blessing. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.